Monthly Archives: November 2017

Chapter 3 Commentary

So this is the first part of Chapter 3. It isn’t done yet, but I spent the last few hours writing and I figured I should get to posting. I’m so far back on Nano… I have a nice few … Continue reading

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[Nano17] Project: Indigo – Post 3

Table of Contents: Chapter 1 Chapter 2   Chapter 3 The Quick & Go was like every convenient store in the world. Tight packed aisles loaded with snacks you have to assume have been there since god knows when. The … Continue reading

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Chapter 2 Commentary

Living a busy life makes trying to make time to write a real pain in the ass. I say this, having done webcomics for 10+ years, which legitimately takes less concentrated time than the Nano does, but that’s mostly because … Continue reading

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[Nano17] Project: Indigo – Post 2

Table of Contents: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 “So maybe I should start a couple days ago…” Pete said, his head still on his hand, Maxine doing her best to not appear obvious that she was listening in. The voice on the … Continue reading

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[Nano17] Project: Indigo – Post 1

The following is a work of fiction created by James Hatton for NanoWriMo 2017. Copyrighted and owned and all that jazz. [This place reserved for Table of Contents link] Prologue The Circle Bar was a real shit hole, but for … Continue reading

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