Monthly Archives: June 2017

[Writing Prompt] The Finishing Line

Before I spin a yarn, I’ll answer this legitimately. No. I’ve never run a marathon. No, I probably never will. Running is outside and outside is a hellscape of heat and dirt. Outside is a scary place where everyone else … Continue reading

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[Shit-Flix] Man Vs.

It was inevitable I guess… two things: 1) I would want to do a movie review on here 2) Someone would make a movie like Man vs. We start with Doug Woods. A man who goes around the world and … Continue reading

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[Writing Prompt] Scratch & Sniff

Oooh boy: 1.Milk that is two days or so beyond expiration date, so it probably doesn’t smell sour, but your imagination is running a little wild so you think there might be a hint of sourness in it, so you … Continue reading

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[Writing Prompt] Easter Bunny Login

So the more I go through this writing prompt book – the more I keep running across these weird ones… I said I was going to try and do every prompt in this book – so I guess even silly … Continue reading

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[Writing Prompt] Fortune Cookies

1.   Hallo. I am looking for cousin Larry Appleton. 2.   Truly I say to you that one of them will betray You. 3.   Did you think perhaps I was happier in that cookie?  No. No you didn’t. You … Continue reading

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[Writing Prompts] Cell

  Paul glanced down at his cellphone and realized that he was late. Very late. Questioning whether he should bother going in late. The type of late that you call in and invent a story about a Nyquil haze due … Continue reading

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[Writing Prompt] Bucket List

The book that I picked up has a lot of inspirational questions that I’m not answering. I will though, use each prompt to try and create something. List ten things on your bucket list. Mitch coughed blood into a tissue. He … Continue reading

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[Writing Prompts] Rabbit Hole

If you fell down a rabbit hole, what do you think you would find? There comes a time in one’s life where you have to look at your achievements and ask yourself, ‘Is this all there is?’ Alex had been … Continue reading

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[Writing Prompt] Message In A Bottle

On a lark, I bought this book with 400 writing prompts. I don’t know if I’ll do one every day, but I definitely will be doing them to work out the writing muscles more. I’ll likely write more about life … Continue reading

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