Two Days To Go

So my intention was to write a little more than I have. I can’t even blame anything other than that wasn’t where my head was this past weekend, and whereas I’m annoyed for not getting more done before Nano – I am proud I got one thing done, and hey, what is this if not for an excuse to write more.

So the following is a story based on titles I asked for on Facebook last week. I have a couple others saved for further exploration, and with the idea of doing a bunch of short stories instead of a long novel for Nano… maybe you’ll see more of them later.

For now though – here is a short lil thing called ‘The Lost Titles of Sherman’

It’s sad, and the ending doesn’t quite fit the beginning, and if this wasn’t purely an exercise in getting from beginning to end – it would probably end up very different, but I wanted it to have an ending, so I made sure it did.  I didn’t want to leave Sherman hanging like that.

Hopefully I’ll see you once more before NOVEMBER 1st.

Either way, I’ll see you then.

About RevVoice
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